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לביד הנדסה בע"מ  .LAVID ENGINEERING LTD


Major Clients in Israel:

Lavid Engineering has served over 200 clients since its establishment. The following list consists of major clients served:

Academy Institutions: Technion-Israel Institute of Technology-Haifa (Faculties, offices, laboratories, libraries), University of Haifa (Sport Facilities, Main Library of 5,000 sqm.), Yizrael Valley Academic College (facilities), Weizmann Institute of Science (laboratories & offices), Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine in Haifa (offices and laboratories. Total of 20,000 sqm.)

Hospitals and Clinics: Hospitalization Department at Carmel and Rambam in Haifa, Soroka in Beer Sheva, Mazor in Acre, Maccabi and Clalit Health Care (clinics)

Hi-Tech companies:

fit out works of offices including laboratories for Apple (1,500 sqm. in Haifa), Microsoft (1,000 sqm. in Herzliya), NettApp (5,500 sqm. in Haifa & Petach Tikvah), IBM (1,000 sqm. in Haifa), Mentor Graphics (4,000 sqm. in Rehovot), Kulick & Sofa (7,000 sqm. in Yokneam), Juniper (4,000 sqm. in Herzliya), Medtronic (3,500 sqm, in Netanya), Yahoo (1,500 sqm. in Haifa), Smiths Detection (3,000 sqm. in Haifa), Intergraph (3,000 sqm. in Nesher), Bateman Eng. (9,000 sqm. in Yokneam) and more. Total of 50,000 sqm.

Governmental Offices:

Ministry of Finance (8 major court building in total of 70,000 sqm and fit out offices in total of 50,000 sqm.), Ministry of Defense (tens of classified facilities), Ministry of Agriculture (offices & laboratories), Ministry of Education (educational facilities), Ministry of Work, Ministry of Tourism (renovations of hotels), Ministry of Transportation (command & control facilities throughout the country), Customs (command & control facilities at borders), Prime Minister's office, Israel Airport Authority (maintenance and various projects), Haifa Port (offices and facilities)  and more. In conclusion: major public buildings, offices and various facilities

Israel Prison Service:

Prison Facilities throughout the country

Israel Police:

Nahariya Police Station (3,000 sqm.) and other facilities

Israel Electric Corporation:

offices & facilities

Discount Bank:

fit out of branches throughout the country (hundreds sqm. each)

Soreq Nuclear Research Center:

laboratories and offices

Hutzot Carmiel:

Shopping Mall and movie theaters in Carmiel City (total of 30,000 sqm.)

Municipalities, Local Councils, Regional Councils:

Haifa (buses and train terminal 15,000 sqm. Offices, schools, kindergartens, sport facilities, etc.), Tiberias (schools), Tirat HaCarmel (schools), Afula (close market of 5,000 sqm.), Emek Yizrael (offices, schools, kindergartens, sport facilities, etc.) and more 

Heavy industry companies:

Carmel Olefins, Haifa Refineries, Haifa Basic Oils, Dor Energy, Gadot Terminals, Dor Energy-all located at Haifa Bay, Phoenicia Flat Glassworks in Zipori (Glass Plant), American Israeli Paper Mills (Hadera), Paz Oil Company (gas stations and facilities), Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises (plants and facilities), Megalim Solar Plant in Ashalim

Light industry companies:

Keter Plastic (5,000 sqm. plant), Delta Socks (Textile facilities in Israel and Bulgaria, total of 20,000 sqm.), Blades Technology – Aviation products, Hightex & Tefron (4 textile plants-total of 50,000 sqm.)

Food industry companies:

Tnuva food Industry (Dairy Products Facilities throughout the country), Strauss food Industry (Dairy Products Facilities), Shemen Industries (Oil Products Facilities throughout the country), Unilever Israel (Food Plants), Rushdi Food Industries (a tahina plant of 6,000 sqm.), Tene Noga food Industry (Dairy Products Facilities), Carmel Winery (facilities and offices), Wissotzki Tea factory, Bakeries (Agamy & Angel, total of 15,000 sqm.), Prigat (juices plant), Zoglobek (meat plant)

Water Desalination Companies:

IDE, Mekorot, Tahal (desalination plants in israel & oversees

Security & Communication companies:

Bezeq Communication Company (Telecommunication Facilities), Elbit Communication (Carmiel) including daughter companies (Hi-Tech Plants), Rafael Armament Development Authority (Offices & Laboratories 12,000 sqm.), Ta'as – Israel Military Industries, SmithsDetection (x-rays scanner facility for containers at Haifa Port), Nuctech ((x-rays scanner facility for containers at Jericho on the Jorden River)


around 20 kibbutzim having industrial plants (plastics, food, energy, etc.), residential & commercial facilities



Phone : 04-9894871   

Fax : 04-9891344

Mail :

קיבוץ דליה, מיקוד 1923900

טלפון: 04-9894871   

פקס: 04-9891344

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לביד הנדסה בע"מ מאז 1995

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