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לביד הנדסה בע"מ  .LAVID ENGINEERING LTD

Major  Projects

Major recent Projects Lavid has been planned, managed and supervised:

  1. A complex of a Central Bus Terminal (12,000 sqm.), Train Station and infrastructural facilities in Haifa. Completed by early 2018.

  2. A District Court in Bat Yam (20,000 sqm.). Towards completion by early 2019.

  3. A Magistrate's Court in Hedera (15,000 sqm.). Towards completion by early 2019.

  4. Renovation, strengthening and preservation of an old Magistrate & District Court Building in Tel Aviv built 55 years ago (27,000 sqm.). in Tender Process.

  5. A visitors Center in Agamon HaHula (northern part of Israel. Client: The Jewish National Fund). Area 3,000 sqm. Towards completion.

  6. X-rays scanner facility (inc. command & offices buildings + roads) for containers at Haifa Port and X-rays scanner facility for containers at Jericho on the Jorden River-both for the Customs. Completed recently.

  7. Shopping Mall and movie theaters in Carmiel City (total of 30,000 sqm.). Completed recently.

  8. Solar Energy Plant in the Negev (inc. 208-meter-high concrete tower + 50,000 mirrors). Completed and now under commissioning.

  9. Office building for the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Work (total of 6,000 sqm.). Completed recently.

  10. Laboratories and offices at Soreq Nuclear Research Center (classified project). Under construction.



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לביד הנדסה בע"מ מאז 1995

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